Kidney analyzes The human body contains two kidneys located on both sides of the spine, as the size of one kidney is estimated to be the size of a fist, and in fact the kidneys perform several important functions in the body, and kidney analyzes are the only way to ensure the safety of the kidneys,[1] for kidney
Blood tests From the blood tests used to examine kidney function are the following: [2] Creatinine analysis: The level of creatinine varies according to age, race, and body mass, as creatinine is produced by the muscles in the body, and it should be noted that a high Creatinine level more than 1.4 in men, and more than 1.2 in women, evidence of a problem with the work of the kidneys
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test, the glomerular filtration rate is calculated through a mathematical equation using the serum creatinine level, age and gender are also taken into account in the calculation. In fact, the glomerular filtration rate is used to measure the extent of The ability of the kidneys to get rid of waste and excess fluid from the blood, as a test level lower than 15 indicates the possibility of kidney failure, and the need for dialysis or a kidney transplant
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) blood urea nitrogen is produced by breaking down proteins in the food eaten.
Urine analyzes Among the urine analyzes used to examine kidney function are the following: [2] 24-hour urine analysis: In this analysis, urine is collected over a 24-hour period, as this analysis shows the amount of urine produced by the kidneys in one day, which gives an accurate amount the amount of proteins filtered from the kidneys into the urine,
The analysis also reveals how well the kidneys are working. Urinalysis: This analysis helps to detect many diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, such as: diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and kidney stones. blood, bacteria, sugar, and pus in the urine.
tahlil burutin albula: yumkin lihadha altahlil alkashf ean albaylat alburutinia (bal'iinjliziati: Proteinuria), wahi wujud kmyat zayidat min alburutin fi albula, kama yumkin takid albilat alburutiniat eabr 'iijra' tahalil 'akthar dqqt, mithla: tahlil nisbat al'albiwmin 'iilaa alkiryatinin, wamin aljadir bialdhikr annh yumkin 'iijra' tahlil burutin albawl kajuz' min tahlil albula, waqad yatimu 'iijrawuh bshkl munfasilin.
Urine protein analysis: This analysis can detect proteinuria, which is the presence of excessive amounts of protein in the urine. Urinalysis as part of the urinalysis, which may be done separately.
Microalbuminuria: This test is accurate, as it can detect the presence of very small amounts of the protein albumin in the urine. Creatinine clearance analysis: In this analysis, the amount of creatinine in a 24-hour urine sample is compared with the amount of creatinine in the blood to reveal the amount of waste products filtered by the kidneys per minute.