Normally, men do not take their health seriously and avoid going to the doctors, but this is very dangerous! Here are the tests that you should undergo after the age of forty. Tests for men to undergo after forty Taking your health seriously is the main key to maintaining it,Therefore, it is important to undergo some tests periodically after you reach the age of forty. Learn about the most important of them: Checking cholesterol levels High cholesterol levels in men raise the risk of heart attack, stroke and many different serious diseases. Since high cholesterol does not cause any symptoms for a person, it is important to go to the doctor to have these levels checked periodically.Therefore, the American Heart Association recommends that adults over the age of 20 should have their cholesterol levels checked every four to six years. However, it is important to check your cholesterol levels more closely if you are at risk. Prostate cancer screening Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men.It is the cause of death among different cancers as well. But early detection of prostate cancer helps in raising the imposition of its treatment and cure. Precisely for this reason, the American Cancer Society recommends that men over 50, especially those considered to be at risk, get routine prostate cancer screening. Skin Cancer Screening Men who have fair skin and those who work outdoors are more likely to develop skin cancer than others. In turn, skin cancer is one of the most deadly cancers among patients.Thus, the magnified detection of the injury would raise the chances of survival. It is necessary to take the following steps in an attempt to detect skin cancer: Keep track of the moles that appear on your body constantly and tell the doctor about any change that you notice Undergoing an examination at a specialist doctor every year. Screening for colorectal cancer The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that you should be screened for colorectal cancer frequently after the age of fifty.Checking your blood pressure It is necessary to monitor your blood pressure on an ongoing basis, due to the risk of high pressure without any symptoms appearing on the patient. According to the American Heart Association, men are more likely than women to develop high blood pressure after they reach the age of 45. That is why it is important for men after they reach the age of 40 to have regular annual blood pressure checks. Checking your blood sugar level Checking your blood sugar level will prevent you from developing diabetes, which may cause many complications to your health as well. All men and even women should have their blood sugar checked every year or so after they reach the age of 40