Doctor: Dear patient, the treatment of your disease is to perform a surgical operation in which we remove the damaged part of your body.....!! Patient: Is there another treatment for my disease other than science? Doctor: To my knowledge that there is no other treatment except the operation? Patient: How is the operation going? And how much is the wound? How long does the process take? Doctor: The wound ranges a few centimeters, but how is it done, it is a complex work that is difficult to explain to you in a minute or two, but what I can tell you is: I will excise the sick body and then rearrange the rest of the parts as they were as possible? As for how long it takes, it is a relative matter. What matters is that you get out of the operating room healthy, God willing.
Patient: But I insist that I know the time it takes for the operation to get my affairs in order? Doctor: I have a question, and how will the time of the operation itself differ in arranging your affairs? I think what you mean, is my operation a minor or major operation? Is it a one-day operation or does it require hypnotizing and staying in the hospital for a longer period?!! Patient: A major operation and a minor operation.. Um.. I did not understand. I want more clarification, please? Doctor: The operation is considered minimal if it takes less than an hour. And your process is one of the one-day operations that take less than an hour,
Also, is it possible to get out of the hospital and go home when a member of the team passes you and the nurses let you? Patient: There is neither might nor power except with God, so we trust in God, when will the operation be? What are the things I need to do before the operation? Frequently asked questions and discussion between the patient and their doctor at every surgery clinic. Know, dear patient/reader, that preparing for surgery is as important as the surgery itself.
And any patient must always be prepared well, no matter how simple the operation is. Neglecting and neglecting some of the important basic steps in preparing the patient for the operation may lead to unexpected problems. The most important factor that determines the method of preparing the patient for surgery is the previous diseases that the patient suffers from. The patient is required to inform both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist about all the previous and current diseases he suffers from and all the previous surgeries he underwent even if he did not ask the surgeon or the anesthesiologist about that.
In addition to any medication the patient has taken or is taking in the past or present, and any medications or substances to which the patient is allergic. It is important that the patient and his companion not neglect to inform the surgeon and the anesthesiologist about any problems that occurred to the patient during the performance of previous operations that the patient or a member of his family underwent. You should also tell him about your smoking or alcohol habits, if any.
The purpose of this information is to prevent any unexpected trouble arising from such situations. The diversity of surgical operations leads to a difference in the need for laboratory tests, as some very simple and daily operations may not require a prior laboratory examination. In most cases, patients are subject to a number of laboratory tests, depending on the type of surgical procedure, the patient's age and health condition. One of the most important pre-lab tests
The surgeries include:-1- A comprehensive examination of white and red blood cells and platelets and a hemoglobin level check (CBC or complete blood count)
2- Examination of fasting blood sugar, as well as a cumulative blood sugar test. In pre-operative cases, it is very necessary to ensure that the patient does not have high blood sugar. As for diabetic patients, it is necessary to ensure that the sugar level is regular, in order to ensure that the patient is exposed to a sudden rise in sugar after or during the operation.
3- Kidney function check: It includes the examination of urea and creatinine, in order to ensure the efficiency and functioning of the kidneys and their ability to drain and filter what the body will be exposed to during the surgical operation, including the anesthesia process, and thus avoid the low creatinine level.
4- Examination of blood ions (salts), including sodium, potassium and chloride.
5- Examination of blood coagulation and the degree of fluidity, which may increase in patients who are being treated for certain diseases using aspirin and warfarin, which must be discontinued before the operation at an appropriate time and according to the doctor’s instructions
6- Taking a pregnancy test (for women) before going to the operation, because performing the operation in the first months of pregnancy may lead to certain complications and problems.
7- Examination of hepatitis A, B, C and HIV viruses, which is a test requested by some doctors as a preventive measure to avoid the spread of infectious diseases and to try to control it to prevent transmission from the patient to the doctor by dealing with blood or needle pricks, as well as for nurses and technicians accompanying surgical work during operations. Since the medical sector is considered an integrated sector, this means that laboratory tests cannot be dispensed with, whether before or after operations or in normal cases.