A bone density test is used to diagnose osteoporosis. During the disease, the bones lose calcium and become more thin and as a result they become less likely to shock, and osteoporosis is a disease that a person cannot see or feel that his bones become thin because of it, so the disease is often discovered only after a fracture The good news is that preventive medicine and bone density testing can be followed to prevent future fractures, and to maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle into a more advanced age. When is the examination performed? A bone density test is performed with the aim of diagnosing osteoporosis, common in women after menopause, But it can also affect men, so screening for osteoporosis is often suggested for people who are considered at risk. In addition, the patient diagnosed with osteoporosis is sent for repeated examinations, and to evaluate the change in the bones after receiving treatment. At-risk group People at risk The following is a list of people at risk of developing osteoporosis: Women over 65 years old. Women who have gone through menopause before age 55. Men or women who are receiving ongoing steroid treatment. People who weigh less than 50 kilograms. Men over 70 years old. Men and women over the age of 50 who have had a broken bone as a result of an accident, or an accident that is not supposed to cause a fracture