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Pregnancy analysis and follow-up

If you suspect that you are pregnant, you must take a pregnancy test, in addition to the home pregnancy test, there are a set of pregnancy tests that you must perform. There are many pregnancy tests that many women are confused about to choose between, because the woman wants accurate results to ensure the validity of her pregnancy. However, the different sensitivity and levels of the pregnancy hormone in the body of each woman must be taken into consideration. There are also other tests that are necessary for a pregnant woman in order to help her to get pregnant safely and to ensure the safety of her pregnancy if it occurs. For this, we highlight below the different types of pregnancy tests that a pregnant woman should perform
1-A blood analysis to confirm pregnancy is done by drawing a blood sample from the woman in a laboratory or laboratory designated for that. Its results appear after 10 to 20 minutes. The result is negative if there is no pregnancy and positive if there is. The best time to take this test is one or two weeks after your period has passed. This test is the most common because the accuracy of its results is high
2-Digital or cumulative analysis This analysis is intended for those who want to ensure the safety of pregnancy after you have already confirmed it. It is performed twice, 48 hours apart, in order to make sure that the pregnancy hormone is rising and developing properly in the body. There are also some women who do it to discover the presence of pregnancy, which takes place 48 hours before the menstrual cycle
3-Urinalysis This analysis depends on testing the percentage of the pregnancy hormone in the woman's urine. However, the urinalysis test is not as accurate as blood analysis, but it is characterized by its ease as it can be performed at home, as its tools are sold in all pharmacies. It is done by placing drops of urine on the test device in the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep and before eating any food. We advise you to buy a high quality type so that the result will be more accurate
4-Anemia analysis This analysis is necessary for pregnant women because this disease is one of the most common diseases that she suffers during the first months of pregnancy. Many women feel tired, lethargic and tired when doing simple efforts, and this is because they suffer from anemia, so this analysis is necessary to find out if the woman needs some necessary elements such as iron and folic acid. Also, not treating anemia for a pregnant woman may cause deformities or miscarriages in the fetus
5-Blood type analysis This analysis must be performed during the first weeks of pregnancy to know the mother’s blood type, because the blood type may not be compatible with the fetus’s blood type or what is known as the Rh factor, which may cause problems at birth. If it is found, the solution is By giving the mother a special injection during the first weeks of pregnancy
6-Genetic disorders analysis This analysis aims to ensure that the fetus is not affected by any genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome and others. It is performed after the fifteenth week of pregnancy by analyzing the amniotic fluid and a sample of the placenta. This analysis is done especially for a woman over 35 years old, or if there is a history of illness in her family or her husband's family
7-Gestational diabetes is one of the most important tests to know the blood sugar level, because a woman may have gestational diabetes, which she needs to follow a special diet so that she does not faint and there are no risks during childbirth.

  • Types of Analysis
  • photos

Determine blood type

Complete blood picture analysis

Measuring fasting blood sugar level

Hepatitis B screening

urine test

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