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Mediterranean fever analysis

1- What is FMF?
1-1 What? Familial Mediterranean fever is a genetically transmitted disease, and sufferers suffer from frequent episodes of fever accompanied by chest or abdominal pain or joint pain and swelling, and this disease generally affects people of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin, especially Jews (especially the Sephardic), the Turks, the Arabs, and the Armenians.
2.1 How common is it? The incidence of the disease in the most susceptible populations is about 1 to 3 people in every 1,000 people, but it is a rare disease for other ethnic groups, however, since the discovery of the associated gene, this disease has been diagnosed more frequently, even in peoples In which the disease was believed to be rare, such as the Italians, Greeks and Americans. FMF attacks begin before age 20 for about 90% of people, and more than half of people develop the disease in the first decade of life.
3.1 What are the causes of this disease? Familial Mediterranean fever is a genetic disease. The gene responsible for the disease is called MEFV, and it affects a protein that plays a role in the normal removal of inflammation. True, patients will experience bouts of fever.
4-1 hal almarad wirathi? hadha almarad yuruth fi alghalib ka'ayi marad min al'amrad alwirathiat alsabghiat aljasadiat almutanahiyati, mimaa yaeni 'ana al'abawayn eadatan ma la tazhar ealayhima 'aerad almardi. wahadha alnawe min alaintiqal yaeni 'ana 'iisabat alshakhs bhumaa albahr almutawasit aleayiliat tastalzim 'an takun nasikhata aljin MEFV (nuskhatan min al'umi wal'ukhraa min al'abi) ladaa hadha alshakhs bihima tafrat; wabialtaali yaetabir al'abawan hamilayn lihadha aljin (hamlaan linuskhat wahidat biha tafrat walays almaradu). wa'iidha kan almarad mawjud fi aleayilat almumtadati, famin almuftarad 'an yakun almarad ladaa 'akh 'aw abn eamin 'aw eamin 'aw 'ahad al'aqarib ghayr wathiqi alqarabati. 4.1 Is the disease hereditary? This disease is often inherited like any other autosomal recessive disease, which means that the parents usually do not show symptoms of the disease. This type of transmission means that if a person has FMF, both copies of the MEFV gene (one from the mother and one from the father) in that person must be mutated. Thus, both parents are considered carriers of this gene (carrying one copy of the mutation and not the disease). If the disease is present in the extended family, it is assumed that the disease is in a brother, cousin, uncle or a close relative.
However, if one parent has FMF - as seen in a small percentage of cases - and the other is a carrier of the mutated gene, there is a 50% chance that their child will develop the disease, and in a minority of patients, one or even both copies of the gene appear normal .
5-1 Why does my child have this disease? Can it be prevented? Your child has the disease because he carries the mutated gene that causes FMF.

  • Types of Analysis
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mediterranean fever

Complete blood picture analysis

sedimentation rate

FMF . Analysis

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