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Tests for women over 40 years old

The periodic check-ups that a woman performs may save her life, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier, easier and much faster the treatment. With certain symptoms, or she has a genetic history of some diseases.
Most of the diseases that afflict humans are silent diseases, which do not show any symptoms until after complications appear, adding that there are many tests and analyzes that help predict diseases. Among these important tests that women should conduct: Breast Cancer and Tests Regular breast screening is recommended for women of all age groups. Breast and cervical cancer are the two most common types of cancer that affect women of all age groups, and the risk increases with age. A home breast self-exam once every two weeks can help identify any lumps in the early stage and prevent them from damaging more tissue. Women in their 40s can have a Pap test and a mammogram once a year to protect against the two common types of cancer.

  • Types of Analysis
  • photos

Complete blood picture analysis

Pap smear

estrogen analysis

blood sugar analysis

Serum albumin analysis

bile analysis


High density fat analysis

Low density fat analysis

Functions of gastrointestinal tumors

General tumor markers test

Hepatitis B screening

Hepatitis C screening

stomach germ analysis

Vitamin D analysis

stool analysis

urine test

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