When we talk about diabetes, most people walk their thoughts in two directions, infected or uninfected
But the truth is that sugar is 3 stages, not 2, but the stage in which a person is healthy
The stage of infection is at a stage between them, most people do not know what it is
Pre-diabetes stage This stage is like a yellow signal 🚦 In the intended traffic lights, it alerts the person to danger and gives the person an opportunity to make a sound and correct decision in his life. The problem of this stage is pre-diabetes that it has clear symptoms 🙃 Sometimes the person at this stage suffers from obesity …… Pigmentation and change in skin color … some People have a family history of diabetes…….. Previous diabetes mellitus during pregnancy….. some women have ovarian cysts… (some of the mentioned we talk about in detail about insulin resistance)
The only way to know what stage you are at is to measure and analyze normal or cumulative sugar
If the normal blood sugar analysis is between 100 - 125
And the cumulative sugar analysis between 5.7 - 6.4
Unfortunately, readings are considered pre-diabetes and not peaceful. The pre-diabetes stage is considered a golden stage, but it does not last and the person has two options: either move to the stage of infection (within two to 3 years) and this is what happened to most people, or return to the right situation and survive diabetes, and this is not difficult. Analysis and readings say that I am in a pre-diabetes stage, what is the solution?!
In order to return to the normal situation, there are two ways. The first method (lifestyle). The first thing we must remember is that changing the
lifestyle, in addition to protecting against diabetes, is a reason to protect against all chronic diseases.
1_ Get rid of excess weight (lose weight) 7% of your current weight
Each kilogram of weight lost reduces the incidence of diabetes by 11-12%
2_ Exercising 🚶 5 days a week at a rate of 30 minutes reduces the incidence of diabetes 7%,,
3_ healthy eating 🥗
The three points above if you stick to them are enough to return to the normal path even without treatment options 💯 The second method is the treatment options and it is in consultation with your doctor in short, the pre-diabetes stage is one of the very important stages that most people are unaware of, and some recent studies have proven that some complications occur during this stage……
Lab alakeed care your health