The most important analyzes of blood and fluidity research

Their devices are blood and fluid research analyzes
1. Complete blood count (C.B.C: Complete Blood Count): It translates to (complete blood count) gives us a complete picture of blood and its components. This analysis includes measurement of blood components that include: R.B.C or erythrocytes, meaning red blood cells, W.B.C or leukocytes, meaning White blood cells Platelets, which means platelets, Hgb or Hb, which means hemoglobin, and there are other terms in this analysis. of the blood components or its decrease. It is used as a preliminary diagnosis for the doctor, and on the basis of it the doctor orders other tests in order to diagnose correctly.
2. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (S.R.E: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate): It means the erythrocyte sedimentation rate or the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This analysis increases its value in cases of pregnancy, menstruation and infections such as tuberculosis and immune diseases, and its value decreases in cases of sickle cell anemia, and this analysis is not always required, and it can be dispensed with if the doctor can diagnose without it.
3. “Bleeding time” analysis (BT: Bleeding time), PT analysis, and APTT analysis: All of these previous tests measure the time of blood clotting, meaning they are useful in knowing the fluidity of the blood, of course if the clotting time increases. This means that the blood will take a long time to It clots and this is good, but if the time increases more than the normal limits, it means that the patient may bleed. This analysis is most required for the elderly, those who are prone to strokes, and patients who have previously had strokes, even if they are younger.
4. Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD: Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase): This is the name of an enzyme and its deficiency in the blood can cause anemia in fava beans, which affects many people after they eat beans and legumes in general.
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